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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy presents a surgery-free alternative to hair restoration. Using a

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy presents a surgery-free alternative to hair restoration. Using a serum derived from your o

Though some people may take hair loss in stride, most would not choose it. The good news is that hair restoration is effective for many. 

Rather than hours-long transplant procedures or medication-based solutions, dermatologist Jennifer Baron, MD, offers platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to her patients who want revitalized hair growth without surgery. 

Causes of hair loss

The most common cause of hair loss is heredity. Female and male pattern baldness tends to run in families, producing gradual hair loss in predictable patterns. 

Medical conditions and hormonal conditions, including menopause and pregnancy, can also cause hair loss. Radiation and chemotherapy for cancer can also cause hair loss that may change the nature of your hair if it grows back at all. 

Some hairstyles like cornrows and pigtails result in traction alopecia when hair follicles are strained from tight pulling. Perms and hot oil treatments can also damage follicles. 

Thicken and volumize thinning hair without surgery

Some forms of hair loss respond well to PRP treatments, a nonsurgical way to stimulate follicles and hair growth. It all starts with a serum made from a small sample of your own blood. 

Platelets are a blood component best known for forming clots when you suffer a bleeding injury. As well as clot formation, platelets contain growth factor hormones, chemical messengers that help to guide your body’s healing processes. 

By treating your blood sample, we can isolate and concentrate platelets for reinjection into your body. PRP therapy has a wide range of uses that promote healing and recovery. 

Injecting PRP into your scalp in spots where you’ve lost hair volume jumpstarts the hair growth process. Not only will you grow new hair, but existing hair thickness can also increase. Not only do you generate more hair, it’s of better quality. 

What to expect from your hair restoration experience

The amount of blood necessary for PRP therapy is about the same as you give during routine blood testing. With approximately 10 minutes of centrifuge time, your sample is divided into three density layers. The middle layer contains a high concentration of platelets. 

Dr. Baron draws this platelet-rich serum into a syringe to strategically inject it into your scalp. The procedure is safe because the blood used is always your own. There’s no risk of allergic response or disease transmission. You can return to your regular routine immediately after treatment. 

New hair growth usually appears within two months; full results can take up to six months, though this varies between patients. Depending on your hair condition, Dr. Baron may recommend a series of treatments, including annual or semiannual “booster” treatments, to maintain your restored hair. 

Contact our team at Dr. Baron’s San Jose, California, office to learn more about our hair restoration services. You can call our office directly or request the procedure online using the convenient link on this page. Schedule your consultation today. 

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